Category Archives: Show Case

When a show has more than three or four people on, and there is not a headliner. Different than a Feature Show.

Comedy Batch October

October 9th, 2021 8:30pm
Batch – Craft Beer and Kolaches (Free)

Robert Segovia (Hosting)
Evan Rabalais
Mike Wiebe
Megan Tucei
Ashley Overton
Justin Hicks

Robert Segovia, affectionately known as Bobby Comedy, hosts this monthly show at a real hidden gem of a venue. Wonderful coffee and beer with a wide array of to-go beverages too. The kolaches are also yummy, but if you only come to Batch during the comedy show you’re going to have limited selection. Due to the ongoing global pandemic and Stage 4 restrictions in Austin the show is being held outdoors. Here’s the thing with outdoor shows, the sound has nowhere to bounce off of so laughter and punchlines just evaporate. If you aren’t sitting close to other audience members it can feel like no one is enjoying the show at all. Comedy is a community oriented activity, so without the group it’s much harder to get into it.

I’ve seen everyone on the show many times and they’re great, but I’m not taking alot of notes during the shows and usually am drinking so apologies for not recapping the whole show. I am excited about two specific bits that were performed. First Ashley Overton has some material about mega churches that was incredible. Practically tearing up, was so funny. Then Justin Hicks faces the elephant in the room and assigns each table a number, gets their team captain, and has each team take turns scoring his jokes on a 1-3 scale. The audience bought in right away, it was fun, and I think it really made the show memorable.

Cartoon depicting red carpet in an alleyway with a microphone on it. There are bags of garbage with mice on them.  Text reads The VIP Comedy Showcase Featuring the Biggest Names in ATX

October 11th, 2021 8:00pm
Creek and Cave $10

Elizabeth Spears (Hosting)
Chris Hills
Carlos Morrison
Megan Tucei
Michael Priest
Kandace Medina
Danny Goodwin

Elizabeth Spears is very funny, and with this lineup it was too good to miss. Michael Priest, rarely seen without his trademark Rangers baseball cap, got quite an unexpected response from the audience early in the set. When he told the audience not to worry the T on the hat stood for Trump many people responded enthusiastically. This proved to be a very funny moment, and his reaction to and overcoming this was exceptional. Kandace Medina really tickled me with a joke that drew a comparison between herself and former president Bill Clinton. I’d recommend checking out Spears work wherever you can find it’s a good time.